Wednesday 2 October 2013

Give Me Your Feedback ~I Want To Serve Your Needs

I love my job as a coach... It's not just a job, it's my vocation. It is my purpose to help you create the life you're dreaming of.

Just recently I posted the bellow post on my Facebook wall about what my friends and audience would most love to have help on and the replies were amazing.

I've been dreaming of putting together an on-line webinar to share what I know and I knew that asking an audience what their greatest desires are, would serve as brilliant topics for these on-line classes.

These were the answers and ideas for topics I received:

  1. Time Management:
    How to leverage high priority actions and deal with the stuff that never gets done.
  2. Un-cluttering living space:
    How to organise and make the space inviting and effective.
    I have already developed a service for the above two, check out my package options called: The Mad Lifestyle Make-Over Session here. It also includes a pantry clear out.
  3. How to determine your values and find your purpose! This had the most votes on my feedback post.
  4. Follow through with your goals:
    How to set goals according to your values, how to break them down, what's important & actualizing them.
  5. Overcoming the state of lack:
    How to move into the state of abundance and meaning so you can get back to creating the life you love & how to balance out lop-sided emotions to get there.

  6. How to charge what your worth for the doing the work you love: 
  7. Overcoming behaviours that sell you short and learning the universal laws of fair exchange/consecration & conservation
  8. Procrastination:
    What does authenticity, vulnerability and fear have to do with it?
  9. Getting comfortable with fear and uncertainty:
    How to make them your best friends and leverage them to your advantage.
  10. Stress management:
    discover these few effective ways to bring you back into equilibrium.
  11. Confidence & the meaning of courage:
    What is the key thing to know about these things and how you can raise yours.
  12. How to make movement part of your lifestyle:
    The importance of movement and how to bring it up the ladder on your value system.
I love these topics, because they are all topics I can share on what I know with you, or know some wellness professionals in my circle who do. I coach on these topics and these are really beneficial, as we go deep.

I'll be turning these topics into some form of on-line classes that you'll be able to register for. Be sure to subscribe to this blog website to receive your updates and announcements for these topics.

I'll be updating this list of topics as I get more feedback from my post. If you have an area you'd love to have help in please share in the comments below.

If you decide that you can't wait for me to design these above classes and want to get going right away; check out my Beta Coaching Package here. These prices are supper affordable and I'll be bumping up the prices in the new year some time.

Here's to your ultimate health & wellbeing

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